COVID guidance for the NWU campus community

Policy title

COVID guidance for the NWU campus community

Human Resources
Public Safety/Risk Management
Human Resources
Approved by
Ad Council
Policy statement

The health and safety of our community is always a top concern. As you may be aware, the federal COVID-19 public health emergency declaration ended in May 2023, however we want to remind you of the recommended guidance if you test positive for COVID-19. (Updated November 2023)  


General Guidance

Presumed positive or confirmed positive test:

  • Must isolate for a minimum of 5 days (Day 0 through day 5)
    • Day 0 is the onset of symptoms or the date of a positive result.
    • Students are required to isolate in their residence hall room, apartment, or house while wearing a well-fitted mask. 
  • If you are symptom free after day 5, you may return to in-person activities.  This includes no fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications, no cough or sneezing.
  • If your symptoms persist, continue to isolate until symptoms improve. 
  • It is strongly encouraged to mask for an additional 5 days after symptom resolution to minimize the risk of transmitting the virus. 
  • There is no requirement to obtain a negative COVID-19 test prior to returning to work or school. 
  • COVID-19 tests are available at Student Health for undergraduate students. Please schedule an appointment here. Covid tests are available at Student Health for graduate students, but nurses will not administer the test.

Restrooms and Meals:

  • Students are required to mask when they leave their rooms to enter a restroom.
  • Students with a meal plan will be issued a reusable food container that may be used for grab-and-go takeout meals in the dining hall. Students are required to mask to pick up meals.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 should alert their instructors about their need to miss class. Students should also alert their on-campus employment supervisor or coach.

Faculty/Staff Reporting

Faculty who test positive for COVID-19 should contact their department chair and the Provost, Graciela Caneiro-Livingston.

Staff who test positive for COVID-19 should contact their supervisor and request sick leave through self-service.